Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Study On Rites Of Passage - 1803 Words

The purpose of this document is to support and underpin the corresponding year eight scheme of work on rites of passage, noting the process of creation from start to completion. It will detail what I have taken into account when choosing the content and learning outcomes; address the incorporation of key skills such as ICT, numeracy and literacy; clarify why some of the learning activities and resources I have utilised were chosen; illustrate how I intend to embrace differentiation; explain how assessment will encourage and monitor learning development. It was essential to begin the process of creating the scheme of work by researching the syllabus requirements at key stage three, giving consideration to the learning that should have taken place at key stage two. It says: â€Å"Spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical developments are essential aspects of religious education and should be clearly identifiable† (Welsh Assembly Government, 2008, 10). Alongside these aspects of religion, the syllabus also demands learners are given opportunities to develop a skills range by engaging with the world, human experience and a search for meaning (Welsh Assembly Government, 2008, 20-21). I was able to provide opportunities to develop this skills range through inclusion of the essential aspects. Learners are provided with opportunities to cultivate an appreciation of the world through physical, mental and cultural means. They are given chances to explore human experience throughShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Howling Ritual By Van Gennep s Theory On Rites Of Passage1987 Words   |  8 Pagestradition, that takes place on the night of the first full moon of every school year. It is organized by the second years. 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