Thursday, April 23, 2020

Research Proposal about Naked Marriage

Abstract Basically, naked marriage could arise from a societal process that influences the choices of the young people when it cones to marital issues. When one marries without acquiring certain necessities such as a house where the couple will stay, a car for easy transportation and enough income to arrange for a colorful wedding, the act is called naked marriage.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Research Proposal about Naked Marriage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is important to understand that various researchers have come up with several explanations about the issue of naked marriage. Nevertheless, one explanation that clearly stands out is that naked marriage is ultimately about engaging in a relationship and subsequently marrying without first acquiring a house, car and inability to organize wedding for the new couple. Notably, the explanations expose the meaning and the results of naked marriage. It is believed that the focused people should aim at having a happy family through working hard and acquiring the mentioned necessities before the actual marriage date. Notably, naked marriage could be employed in any particular matrimonial institution or setting, and has the potential to determine the development and success of the couple. Introduction The issue of naked marriage is on the rise in the Asian region, a situation worrying most of the parents. Since the youth get married without first acquiring a house, a car or without any proper arrangement for a wedding, their parents are forced to lend hand and cater for the cost of all those items. In the modern China, naked marriage has created debate on its acceptability among the people and communities in the country. Therefore, the debate has focused on the impacts of such marriages, which together form a phenomenon called Luohun in China. This paper is a research proposal about the phenomenon of Luohun. Research Question The res earch will aim to establish if the young generation in China accepts the phenomenon of Luohun or naked marriage. In addition, the research will also examine the relationship between Luohun and the society in the context of China, and its impacts on the entire country. These particular issues will help the researcher to understand the phenomenon, whether it is acceptable and the consequences of the practice. The specific research questions are; first, does the young generation accept Luohun? Second question is; what is the relationship between Luohun and the perception of the entire society?Advertising Looking for report on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Significance of the Study Considering this study, the researcher will establish a proper explanation for the phenomenon and discover the potential problems, which are associated with Luohun. The research is also important because it would provide insights on the relationship between the societal advancement and the people’s perception about Luohun. Interview Ten Interview Questions were as follows In your opinion, what kind of marriage is Luohun? Do you accept this kind of Marriage? What is the rationale of your position? If circumstances allowed you, would this kind of marriage appeal to you? What advise would you give to the young people engaging in Luohun? Do you think the society is ready for this phenomenon called Luohun? What is the society doing about Luohun? Is there any societal attempt to reduce or advocate for the practice? Is there probability of divorce between the couple who have Luohun? What would you tell those who already have engaged in Luohun? What do you think is the future of Luohun, in terms of acceptability, practicality and viability? Interview Results and Analysis The following discussion presents an analysis of responses, which were recorded from the Participants for the research questions. There were participants who assumed that naked marriage is an inheritable trait in some families or communities. Notably, this perception tends to explain that since the young people might have noted that other family members engaged in naked marriage, they too decided to marry without proper arrangement, taking it as normal (Allan, 2012). As a result, this viewpoint portrays the people who engage in naked marriage as harried and actually destined to perpetuate such ideologies in the society (Lan, 1991). According the respondents with immense knowledge on the issue of naked marriage, they argue that the act is on the increase due to improper education on the impacts of the matter. This is because of the practicing community has dynamic views and are majorly concerned with the perceptions of young people who increasingly embrace the different forms of naked marriages (Ford, 2011). In fact, the research shows that the various people tend to appreciate their own lifestyle and the choices they mak e (McCarthy, 2007). Therefore, unavoidable circumstances such as infatuation was also cited as one of the factors forcing the youth to marry before making adequate arrangements with their partners and parents, thus throwing the burden to the latter to provide them with accommodation, a car and perhaps a decent wedding (Graham, 2012). Some respondents argued that the phenomenon is a trait factor. Such respondents believed that the different people inherit certain traits and qualities that would make them think their decision is right, thus engaging in naked marriage is not bad. Basically, they assumed that biological factors contribute to the practice of naked marriage among the youth.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Research Proposal about Naked Marriage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, their position was somewhat controversial as it could not justify the importance of naked marriage mainly because the practicing community has different beliefs, ideas and likes of the people, thus propagate naked marriage at a rampant rate (Sun, 2008). It is also important to observe that some respondents noted that the phenomenon has taken a dynamic turn and keeps changing, depending on the desires and lifestyle of the young people, a position the majority of the participants shared. The other respondents argued that naked marriage is a matter of eventuality. The respondents who shared this view constituted the majority and argued that there are particular need factors responsible for the youth’s engagement in Luohun. The assumptions were that those factors tend to focus on various variables that have relations to the specific type of environment that is most likely to act as the determinant to the kind of naked marriage style applied in that particular environment (Vallotton Vallotton, 2011). In addition, the respondents postulated that the ideological differences among the youth played a role on the rise Luohun, thus there is no specific justification that is considered best in every situation. This means the circumstances under which one makes a decision about marriage differs significantly, and explains the variations in marriage choices. Basically, it means that success of any naked marriage actually depends on variables, which include the style, one’s background, the quality of the partners’ lifestyle, as well as the situation (Xinzhen, 2010). Indeed, this view was shared by a number of respondents. A number of respondents also understood naked marriage as being caused by the situation of the couples. In their explanation, the respondents argued that when a mature person decides to marry, the situational barriers would not deter him from proposing an engagement and going a head with the plan despite inadequacy that the person may be experiencing at the time. According to many of the respondents, the fact that naked marriage is on the rise does n ot mean that it is generally accepted. Indeed, the experts argue that the young couples need to adopt a particular approach of making decisions about the phenomenon, owing to the side effects of naked marriage (Gupta, Ebenstein Sharygin, 2010). Such positions are shared among the other respondents who stick to the opinion that this kind of marriage does not result to prosperity. Based on the kind of decision that the young people make before marriage, some of the interviewees noted that minimal economic progress could be achieved if the young people decide to marry without acquiring the necessities, which would make their marriage meaningful (Gungor, 2009).Advertising Looking for report on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because there are chances that the different decisions, which the youths make, involve various situational variables, but are done without adequate consultation. As well, many respondents noted the importance of understanding the various reasons for the youth’s engagement in naked marriage. According to Cohen, the claim is pragmatic other than unnecessarily laying blame on them for having married without acquiring the necessities such as a car, a house and enough money to organise a descent wedding (Cohen, 2012). The people should understand that the style of marriage that the young person chooses is only suitable for him/her, and to some instances, certain personal decisions and the implication of its implementation. Therefore, the majority of the respondents agreed that it is apparent that the situation of the person organising the marriage is most important while trying to understand Luohun and one should apply the perception during the study. In addition, the resp ondents also stated categorically that a young person is dynamic and makes decisions depending on the prevailing conditions, perhaps out of compulsion. Thus, the situation might explain the rise of Luohun (, 2011). In addition, they also believed that the young people have the ability to alter their decision making criteria and absolutely change the process of implementation, making it very difficult to eradicate the practice in most communities in China. Finally, it is apparent that the shared position should be that the concerned young people should aim at brining up a joyful family through working hard and acquiring the mentioned necessities before the actual marriage time comes (Corinne, 2011). As well, naked marriage could be applicable in any certain marital setting, and has the probability of determining the person’s progress and triumph (Chang Wang, 2011). Personal Analysis of the Responses and the Phenomena From a personal experience in the practice, the level of preparedness between the expecting couples and their family members would affect the choices that the people make based on the suitability of such decisions. This is because the practicing community is dynamic and keeps on changing in terms of policies and ideologies. Truly, this signifies that the kind of marriage must assume a dynamic tendency depending of the changes that have been introduced in the region or the youth’s situations in such communities. As a result, it is important to understand that contingency explanation works depending on the kind of variables at hand, and could be used in educating the youth on the impacts of Luohun in their lives and the subsequent generation. In addition, the level of preparedness between the expecting couples and their family members would affect the choices that the people make based on the suitability of such decisions. This is because the practicing community is dynamic and keeps on changing in terms of policies and ide ologies. Truly, this signifies that the kind of marriage must assume a dynamic tendency depending of the changes that have been introduced in the region or the youth’s situations in such communities. As a result, it is imperative to understand that contingency explanation works depending on the kind of variables at hand, and could be used in educating the youth on the impacts of Luohun in their lives and the subsequent generation. Methodology The research will employ qualitative methodologies in conducting the study. Specifically, the study will involve random sampling of 40 people for interview. The selected people will be those who have background on Chinese history. This method is appropriate because it limits the chances of biased selection of the participants. Conclusion In summary, it is worth noting that the form of naked marriage employed in any particular marriage institution or setting has the potential to determine the development of the followers and marriage inst itution or setting itself. In addition, there are many explanations for naked marriages because similar researches have identified some among the practicing community, such as contingency, situational, behavioral explanations and others. It is also important to understand that naked marriage development is an art that can be learnt and perfected through proper and effective training practices especially in a field that is dynamic such as practicing. This means that the quality of a leader in a field such as practicing can only be determined by the leader’s ability to adapt to the changes that keep happening in the field. References Allan, C. (2012). Buck Naked Marriage. Kindle Edition: Kindle eBooks. Chang, L Wang, F. (2011). å… ³Ã¤ ºÅ½80Ã¥ Å½Ã¢â‚¬Å"è £ ¸Ã¥ ©Å¡Ã¢â‚¬ Ã§Å½ °Ã¨ ± ¡Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§ ¤ ¾Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¦â‚¬ Ã¨â‚¬Æ'. (Social Science Edition). Journal of Northwest AF University, vol.11, no.4., (2011). Naked Marriage Challenges Traditions. Web. Cohen, H. (2 012). Naked Dating. New York, NY: St Martin’s Griffin. Corinne, D. (2011). â€Å"Why more women in Beijing are delaying marriage.† The Christian Science Monitor, pp. 5. Retrieved from ProQuest Central. Ford, P. 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Vallotton, J. (2011). Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth about Sexual Purity. Shippensburg: Destiny Image Publishing. Xinzhen, L. (2010). â€Å"Taming the Real Estate Market.† Beijing Review, vol. 53(18), pp. 34. This report on Research Proposal about Naked Marriage was written and submitted by user Lillianna Suarez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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