Sunday, December 22, 2019

Disadvantages of Fast Food - 1038 Words

Tanvir Chowdhury English 28 9:35-11:00 Dr. Gill Disadvantages of Fast Foods Time is money. This is the new buzzword in today’s world. People are now spending more time by running after money then spending time on their daily activities. No wonder fast food is on the rise. May people do not realize that fast food is a slow death. It has many disadvantages, as it is unhealthy, expensive and causes many diseases. Even though, fast food is the fastest way to feed our hunger, it is not healthy at all. It is full of saturated and unsaturated fat. Moreover, it is a major source of calories and most of these calories are from fat. Unsaturated fats are good fat. Which means someone can burn this fat†¦show more content†¦Usually all fast food has high amounts of calories, cholesterol, and fat. Because of that, Americans should know about the dangerous unhealthy food. A less commonly known yet still dangerous side effect of eating fast food is liver damage. ABC News explains that eating high-fat foods from fast food restauran ts can overload the liver and eventually lead to liver damage. Eating too much fast food over a period can actually damage the liver as much or more than drinking alcohol. Fast food has a resulted in child obesity. Which is truly a tragedy not only has obesity affected adults and but also children at an alarming rate. The numbers of fast food restaurants targeting child and adolescent customers are found to be clustered around schools. The addicting flavors and affordability of fast food has contributed to encouraging the young gradually to grab a quick lunch a thought. For example, a small hamburger has 200 calories, and a large hamburger has about 500 to 600 calories. If individual put this together is like they are eating 400 to 1,800 calories in one fast food meal. Apart from the many types of fast food offered inside the school cafeteria, the fast food restaurant outlets are multiplying around the school grounds and neighborhood. On the other hand, children are taught to obey t heir parents to do as they are told and parents do not see the risk they are of their actions. They do not realize theShow MoreRelatedDisadvantages Of Fast Food1094 Words   |  5 Pagesmajor corner, what do you see? Fast food. Americans cannot escape fast food restaurants; the smell, the neon signs, the convenience, it haunts over everyone. In â€Å"Fast Food Nation† Eric Schlosser states, â€Å"Fast food is not so commonplace that it has acquired an air of inevitability, as though it were somehow unavoidable, a fact of modern life† (7). The appeal of fast food is evident, busy week night dinners, short lunch breaks, the list is endless; but the disadvantages go far past just that of healthRead MoreDisadvantages Of Fast Food1566 Words   |  7 PagesFast food is taking over many people’s lives living around the world. Many people all over the United States are overweight or obese due to eating so much fast food. Fast food affects peoples physical weight, emot ional and mental health and media influence. There are no advantages to eating fast food, especially at a young age. Fast food is a scary road to turn down as a young kid growing up into an adult. Fast food is pretty much its own simple definition when you think about it, it is literallyRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Fast Food1327 Words   |  6 Pages The prevalence of fast food is growing at a rapid pace in more and more countries around the world. The advantages of fast food such as cost, taste, convenience, and fast service makes eating fast food a convenient and cheap source of food for busy individuals. While fast food has its advantages it also has its disadvantages such as high in fat/calories, weight gain, and serious health risks. In this paper, I will discuss the disadvantages of fast food and why they outweigh the advantages whileRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Fast Food1105 Words   |  5 Pages The Disadvantage of Fast Food  Ã‚   Modern life becomes more and more comfortable, but people are busier and busier with their life. Therefore, people do not have time to cook at home. Some people favor to eat fast food or at restaurants; however, not that many people favor to eat at home. Eating at home or eating at fast food restaurants has advantage and disadvantage, so which one is better?   Eating at a restaurant is similar to eating at home in many ways. Although eating out or cooking at home,Read MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Fast Food2221 Words   |  9 PagesAdvantages and Disadvantages of Fast Foods Food that we eat today has changed more in the past 30 years, than in the past 3,000 years. What is even more astonishing is that these changes have occurred without the public even knowing it or having the chance to debate it. How has this happened? We are now a culture that is very distant from where our food comes from. We are alienated from our food industry. We don’t see how the food is made or what chemicals, food coloring or fillers are added toRead MoreFast Foods And Fast Food904 Words   |  4 PagesFast food, by name itself is the food that consumes comparatively less amount of time to be prepared than the food that we order from the restaurants. They are preheated and precooked which is served to customer in a packaged form or take away. Fast foods are the most common food these days and these restaurants are growing rapidly worldwide. People of all ages love fast food and it is more popular among young people. The important reasons for this business to grow are the busy schedule people haveRead MoreAdvantage Of Fast Food993 Words   |  4 Pages When we think about an advantaged to fast food one of the main reasons that comes to mind is convenience. According to a study done by The National Center for Diseas e and Health Control, it is convenience that has caused a spike in fast food consumption (Hoffman, 2012). Ohio, for example, has one of the most fast food locations per resident in any state. Ohio has more McDonald’s restaurants, 7.1 per 100,000 residents, than any other state and almost twice as many Burger King’s 3.7 locations perRead MoreIs Fast Food Good Or Bad?1100 Words   |  5 PagesAdvantages Disadvantages of Fast Food More than 14, 350 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States alone, and over 18, 875 KFC’s worldwide, only goes to reflect the popularity of fast food all over the world. Fast food can be defined as food that is easily and quickly prepared and is sold in restaurants and snack bars as a quick meal or to be taken out. Such food fits perfectly into the fast-paced life of a modern, working individual. Although nothing appeals more to a hard-working professionalRead MoreAnalyzing Whether Or Not Fast Food Industries1414 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysing whether or not fast food industries are the cause of Australia’s rise in obesity levels â€Æ' Table of Contents List of figures 1 Executive summary 2 Introduction 2 Social issues 2 Ethical issues 3 Environmental issues 3 Economic issues 3 Benefits (for) 4 Disadvantages (against) 4 Recommendations/Conclusion 5 Bibliography 6 List of figures FIGURE 1: WEEKLY SPENDING ON TAKEAWAY MEALS FIGURE 2: WITH OR WITHOUT FRIES FIGURE 3: PERCENTAGES OF FOOD BUDGETS FIGURE 4: FAST FOOD VS RESTAURANTS â€Æ' EXECUTIVERead MoreModern Generation and Fast Food971 Words   |  4 PagesGeneration and Fast Food? Fast food  is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly, first popularized in the 1950s in the United States. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in arestaurant  or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for  take-out/take-away. Fast food restaurants are traditionally separated by their ability to serve food via a drive-through

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