Monday, November 4, 2019

Internet Business and Electronic Commerce Assignment

Internet Business and Electronic Commerce - Assignment Example The paper tells that Internet has revolutionized the human life considerably. The traditional principles with respect to many areas of human life have been changed with the entry of internet and the business segment is also not an exception. At the introduction stage many people thought the internet is just another medium of communication; nothing more than that. But then as time progresses, people has realized the potential of internet in many areas of human life and at present it is used extensively in education, business, communication, transportation etc. E-commerce is a paperless exchange of business information using electronic data like e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax transmissions, and electronic funds transfer etc. A recent survey conducted by Nielsen/Net ratings and Harris Interactive indicates e-commerce sites are driving more purchases offline than online. Electronic commerce or e-commerce is attracting business both in offline and online modes. Many people use in ternet for comparing the features and prices of different products of similar kind then visit shops for purchasing. Online business has much wider scopes than offline businesses because of the wider reach-ability of it. It is easy for a person to purchase a product from America staying in some other countries using a simple credit card. Moreover, the consumer can compare the prices of the same product in various countries and thus he will able to purchase a product for the cheapest possible price. This research mainly concentrates on,, for analyzing the online business generally and for analyzing the online book business specifically.,,, and are offering various products for the customers like clothing, accessories, flowers, gifts, electronic items, computers, sports items jewelry, watches, holiday tour packages, medicines, fragrances, beauty products et c.

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