Thursday, October 31, 2019

In a climate of austerity is it right for government to support small Essay

In a climate of austerity is it right for government to support small business - Essay Example There are also people who advocate that government should not intervene at all and should let the forces of market prevail. So there are many differing opinions about areas where government should or should not spend money of tax payers. In this essay we will argue why governments should support small businesses even in a climate of austerity. It is not only economically but socially also desirable for any economy if small and medium enterprises are encouraged. These small businesses can provide employment and at the same time can boost economy by increasing consumer spending. The arguments against government support to small and medium enterprises will also be studied in order to understand both sides of the debate. There is no doubt that these are tough times for the economy but it is not logical to curb spending in areas that will reap positive cash flows in future. Support for small businesses should be seen as an investment. This is the reason why governments should support smal l businesses even in a time of economic austerity. Why Government Should Support Small Businesses? This portion of the text will be devoted to the understanding of the reasons for government support of small businesses. There are many reasons why government should support small and medium enterprises. The effect of support to small businesses is seen directly in a country’s economy. ... With the support of government small businesses can help an economy increase its GDP. Economists argue that growth of GDP can solve many problems of a country. If economy is growing at a good pace then it is an indicator that the country is going in the right direction. These are tough times for the whole world and countries are still trying to recover from the crisis of 2008. In these times focus of the governments should be on increasing Gross Domestic Product of the country. More GDP means growth and growth in an economy can fight every crisis. It is actually a stimulus for the economy as whole. Small business can help governments do that and the money that is needed for small business support is very small as compared to the other methods of increasing growth. It can be safely concluded that governments should spend money in order to support small business even in a climate of austerity because it will help the economy recover from the very crisis it is going through. The role of government in this regard can be substantial and development and growth of small businesses are dependent upon government policies regarding small and medium enterprises (Li & Matlay, 2006). The best way through which small businesses can help solve problems of any economy is by creating jobs. Unemployment is a very awful thing for an economy because as a result government revenues decrease and more and more people become dependent on the state instead of earning for themselves. The problem of unemployment can be reduced, if not resolved, by supporting small and medium enterprises. These small businesses will provide the people with the job opportunities that they desperately need.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Gospel According to Luke commonly shortened Essay Example for Free

The Gospel According to Luke commonly shortened Essay The Gospel According to Luke commonly shortened to the Gospel of Luke or simply Luke is the third and longest of the four Gospels. This synoptic gospel is an account of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. It details his story from the events of his birth to his Ascension. The purpose of Luke is to write a precise and reliable history of Jesus’ Christ’s life, while bringing out the theological significance of the history. He is a Greek and the only Gentile Christian writer of the New Testament. The language of Luke reveals that he is an educated man. We learn in Colossians 4:14 that he is a physician. In this book Luke refers many times to sicknesses and diagnoses. Being a Greek and a doctor would explain his scientific and orderly approach to the book, giving great attention to detail in his accounts. He addressed his Gospel to the Greek people (a non-Jewish). The Gospel according to Luke is the first part of a two-volume work that continues the biblical history of God’s dealings with humanity found in the Old Testament, showing how God’s promises to Israel have been fulfilled in Jesus and how the salvation promised to Israel and accomplished by Jesus has been extended to the Gentiles. The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are closely related. Written by the same author and for the same purpose, both were addressed to a Christian named Theophilus and were designed for the purpose of presenting to him a complete and well authenticated narrative of the early history of the Christian movement. Luke was a faithful friend and travel companion of Paul. , who came to be known in Christian circles as the Apostle to the Gentiles,. He wrote the book of Acts as a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. Some discredit Lukes Gospel because he was not one of the 12 disciples. However, Luke had access to historical records. He carefully researched and interviewed the disciples and others who were eyewitnesses to the life of Pauls interpretation of Christianity as a universal religion did much to eliminate the barriers between Jews and Gentiles. When Jews and Gentiles are contrasted in Luke, often the Gentiles are presented in the more favorable light. As nearly as we can determine, the Gospel of Luke was written toward the end of the first century, probably between the years 85–90 A. D. By this time, Christianity was fast becoming a worldwide movement. The predominant theme in the book of Luke is the perfect humanity of Jesus Christ. The Savior entered human history as the perfect man. He himself offered the perfect sacrifice for sin, therefore, providing the perfect Savior for humankind Luke shows the broad humanitarian character of Jesus work that was manifested from the first in Jesus attitude toward the Samaritans and others whom the Jews regarded as their enemies. Jesus never failed to commend those who had a humble and contrite heart and it made no difference whether they were Jews or Gentiles. Lukes Gospel gives special emphasis to prayer, miracles and angels as well. Interesting to note, women are given an important place in Lukes writings. The gospel closes with an account of the resurrection and the subsequent meetings of Jesus with the disciples and others. As two men are walking to the village of Emmaus, Jesus joins them, but the men do not recognize Jesus until he sits at a table with them and blesses the food that they are about to eat. Later, Jesus meets with the eleven disciples in Jerusalem and overcomes their suspicions by showing his hands and feet to them. They cook some fish, and Jesus partakes of the food with them. Then follows a farewell discourse to the disciples, during which Jesus gives them instruction concerning what they should do. Afterward, they go together as far as Bethany, and after blessing the disciples, Jesus departs from them.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of Globalization on Business

Effects of Globalization on Business Introduction Globalization indicates to the entire exertion towards making the world worldwide group as a one town. Products that were just found in western nations can now be found over the globe. Presently immature ranges can appreciate the advantages of experimental advances and mechanical advancement accessible in created nations for the change and development of their regions. Because of globalization the economies of the world are as a rule progressively coordinated, illustration cellular telephones and web have brought individuals closer. The world is turning into a littler spot. Work can be outsourced to any piece of the world that has a web association due to changes in activity base one has the capacity achieve one's destination in a brief while. Globalization can likewise be characterized as a progressing process by which local economies, social orders and societies have ended up coordinated through a globe spreading over system of correspondence and exchange. The procedure of globalization incorporates various variables, which are fast innovation advancements that make worldwide interchanges conceivable, political improvements, for example, the fall of socialism, and transportation advancements that make voyaging speedier and more continuous. For sure, globalization has positive and negative effects on business, education and society. Below are discussed briefly about the effects of globalization on business. Globalization increases the competition among the international companies No wonder that globalization is very effective in the right time and the exact place when activated according to the proper mechanism. It plays an effective role in the competition between many companies. Now, it is easier if you are in China and selling your products in the US market. Here is the sense of competition. A standout amongst the most noticeable beneficial outcomes of globalization is the enhanced nature of items because of globe competition. Client administration and the 'client is the ruler' ways to deal with generation have prompted enhanced nature of items and administrations. As the local organizations need to battle out outside competition, they are constrained to raise their guidelines and consumer loyalty levels to make due in the business. In addition, when a worldwide brand enters another nation, it comes in riding on some goodwill, which it needs to satisfy. This makes competition in the business sector and a survival of the fittest circumstance. The beneficial outcomes of globalization on society are numerous! Not every great practice were conceived in one human advancement. The world that we live in today is a consequence of a few societies meeting up. Individuals of one society, if responsive, have a tendency to see the defects in their way of life and get the way of life, which is more right or tuned in to the times. Social orders have ended up bigger as they have invited individuals of different human advancements and foundations and made an entire new culture they could call their own. Cooking styles, dialects and traditions have spread all because of globalization. The same can be said in regards to motion pictures, musical styles and other fine arts. They too have moved starting with one nation then onto the next, leaving an impact on a society which has embraced them. Globalization can lead to high investment in the world One of the major attribute is the high and intensive market investment domestically and globally. Globalization plays a massive role in encouraging investors to give in their capitals in order to gain higher and expandable revenues. A standout amongst the most noticeable constructive outcomes of globalization in India is the stream of remote capital. A considerable measure of organizations have straightforwardly put resources into India, by beginning generation units in India, yet what we likewise need to see is the measure of Foreign Investment Inflow that streams into the creating nations. Indian organizations, which have been performing admirably, both in India and off the shores, will pull in a considerable measure of remote investment, and subsequently pushes up the store of outside trade accessible in India. This is likewise one of the beneficial outcomes of globalization in America and other created nations as creating nations issue them a decent investment suggestion. Administrators' targets may not be the same with those of stockholders in a few circumstances. The more perplexing the partnership the more troublesome it is for shareholders to screen administration's activities whereby it gives the administrators more flexibility to act in their own self enthusiasm to the detriment of shareholders. Multinational firms are more unpredictable than national firms are. Supervisors may support global enhancement because it diminishes firm particular hazard or adds to their glory. These objectives may be of minimal enthusiasm to shareholders. This dissimilarity of hobbies in the middle of shareholders and chiefs may lessen the estimation of multinationals with respect to residential firms. Globalization can help company open new branches in new branches in the world For sure, globalization has been the key factor recently in the last few decades. It all started in the late years of the past millennium where big developed countries called for globalization. The markets are now open and extremely expanding. The sole company can be operating in many markets around the world. As a small business owner, you can start domestically and later open branches in the very close future in different countries. This way you are making extra profits and a global admired brand. With the existence of internet and satellite, people are no closely monitoring the best products in terms of quality and affordability. Now also you can do your shopping online from the Far East countries and receive it at your doorstep. Best developing markets in created nations are an aftereffect of privatization of state claimed commercial enterprises. All together for these commercial ventures to expand customer interest a significant number of them are endeavoring to grow and extend their worth bind to a universal level. The effect of globalization on business administration is seen by the sudden increment of number of exchanges over the outskirts. In ensuring yields and looking after intensity, businesses are keeping on developing an extensive variety of their foot shaped impression as it brings down expense and appreciates economies of scale. Multinational partnerships is a consequence of globalization. They possess a focal part inside the procedure of globalization as confirm through worldwide remote direct investment inflows. Their fixations inside Europe in western economies has prompted size limitations, thusly there is a requirement for new topographical ranges to work whereby they will confront a considerable measure of competition in the business sector. Through this they will augment their business sector and appreciate economies of scale as globalization encourages time space pressure, economies contend at all levels including that of pulling in financial specialists. Conclusion To sum it up, globalization has the marvelous positive effects on business in terms of flexibility and free trade between countries and markets. Considering every one of these components, it can be inferred that globalization has positive effect on business advancement for a few reasons. These elements incorporate expanding competition that brings down costs and expand nature of items. The following is expanded investment opportunities, which prompt quicker advancement of business. In conclusion, it offers access to the new advancements that can support to businesses to get higher benefit. It is accepted that globalization is an advancement, which is not going to be ended, and this procedure presumably will keep on widening.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Role Of Women As Portrayed In Classical Mythology Essay examples --

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Greco-Roman society was a very patriarchal society. This is reflected throughout the myths in classical mythology. By looking at the classic mythology we will see that the roles women portrayed are very different than women’s roles in today’s society. Although there are a few similarities to women’s roles in today’s society, their roles are more like those women in the past. We can see this by looking at the attributes of Greco-Roman female gods and looking at the roles women play in the myths. By comparing the roles of women in the myths with women’s roles today we will see that the roles have many differences and few similarities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first things we will look at to show women’s roles reflected in Classical mythology are the attributes of the female gods. Of the fourteen main Olympian Deities, only six of them are women. This includes Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite. Of these six I believe Hera, Demeter, and Aphrodite best portray the role of women in Greco Roman society, as reflected in Classical mythology The Olympian Deity who best shows the role of women is portrayed by Greek Mythology is Hera. Hera is the goddess of marriage, childbirth, and consort of Zeus. She stays at home and presides over the family all day while her husband goes around making love with every other beautiful girl in Greece. This indicates that in Greco-Roman society the women would stay at home to watch over their children, clean the house, weave, and make the meals. This could be looked at as being very similar to the roles of women in the early to mid 20th century, but is different than the roles of women in today’s society. Woman in today’s society are no longer expected to stay at home and watch over the house and home. Most women today have jobs and share the housework and cooking with their husbands. In addition, if a woman finds out today that her husband has been sleeping around on her and having children with many other women she can take him for every thing he’s got. Lets just sa y Zeus wouldn’t have that that crown or thunderbolt thrower anymore in today’s society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another Olympian Deity who helps show the role of women in Greco-Roman society was Demeter. Demeter is the goddess of grain and fertility. Demeter controls the crops and the making of children. I think that Demeter showed women’s roles as gardeners and the tho... ...rarely choose whom the daughter will marry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Greco-Roman society was a very patriarchal society. This is reflected throughout the myths in classical mythology. By looking at the classic mythology we see that women’s roles portrayed in myths are very different than their roles in today’s society. In classic mythology women are thought of as housewives who stay at home and preside over the families. They are expected to do what men say even to the extent of marrying whomever their father chooses. They are always at fault for the world’s problems and are never thought to be equal to men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women’s roles in today’s society are far different from this. They are no longer looked upon only to preside over home and family, they are not forced into marriages, and they are not blamed for all the worlds problems. Today’s society is not a patriarchal one. In today’s society women are looked upon as equal to men making it more equalitarian compared to the Greco-Roman society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources Cited Powell, Jennifer. The Women in Myth and in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009.  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Management: Leadership Style

Assignment in management: Question: Assume that the creation of the GM-operations position was a good decision. What leadership style and type of individual would you try to place in this position? Answer: The firm hired brad Howser who seemed to be very confident and appropriate to the job with an auto craft experience. As a general manager-operation a person was responsible for finding good relationship with customers, controlling the budget, and office operations. But the kind of leadership style Howser has was autocratic leadership.He made plans and decisions on his own way but never listen to his employees and clients, which the company’s needed in order to form a good organization or leadership. Due to his lack of management skills, he put the firm into risk. For me, a type of individual leadership is transformational leadership because a leader the one who motivates people to go beyond their interest for the good of the group. Transformational Leaders are often charisma tic leader, who succeed through a belief in themselves rather than a belief in others. n order to have a leadership style the leaders needs to understand business situation and creating new strategies, forward-looking and competent. And she or he needs employees support to implement his or her goal. And I want the democratic leadership to put in this position because the people have a more participating role in the decision making process. One person retains final say over all decisions but allows others to share insight and ideas. The good leader is one who knows real understanding of the companies’ culture, understanding business, establishing new business strategies, and inspiring which motivate employees work hard.First, in order to have a good leadership style or manager needs to task oriented which has to keep track on how well the workers doing their job. Second they are proactive rather than reactive if any problem comes on your company, this proactive people can look forward to solve it. Third, they must know themselves what is their weakness and strength, they inspire people to be the best they can be by being a mentor, and they play to their strengths and train to improve their weaknesses.Lastly, they need to know the job description of general manager the budget, community relation, day to day grill, sales retention of sale 10% and customer base expansion. On the other hand the leaders need to give them freedom because it makes them to work hard on their own and be confident on what they are doing. Let the employees motivate how to share their valuable ideas for the good outcome of the company. Having the right team behind your company, with fully motivated staff and great leadership, qualities can only enhance your company’s reputation and productivity.This is a very open and collegial style of running a team. Ideas move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly. Everyone is given a seat at the table, and discussion is relati vely free-flowing the democratic leadership style is the best for this company. If I were Howser I would simply pay attention to my employees, because employees are the best asset to the company, I need to take care of them in order to get their loyalty to work, and finally, if I succeeded to get their loyalty, the company would be more profitable and expand their market faster.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Animal Testing Informative Essay

Free Animal Testing Informative Essay , animals will continue save our lives by theirs. Animal testing looks severe and leads to liberal killing of multiple innocent creatures, but it is inevitable evil. Animals lives in testing are that price we have to pay to be able to survive and save lives.